First, your title is awesome. I feel like plenty of people will resonate with it.

This post is very complex, isn't it? It's ironic that your childhood religion caused you to be triggered by Christmas even though Christmas IS a religious holiday. Just not your past religion.

I can't imagine how it feels not knowing typical Christmas as we know it but in a way, you should consider that a gift. Most people suffer December burnout because of gift buying, money spending, etc. But that's just what society has turned Christmas into. I don't get how it morphed from a religious celebration into an obligatory shit storm of gift buying and exhaustion.

For me, December is meh. I've never truly bought into it and it's even more irrelevant since my son passed away. What is a festive holiday without the person you love the most in the world?

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Yeah it’s a strange one. I don’t wanna do the whole ‘woe is me’ line cos I know there are so many others worse off. Wanted it to be more of an exploratory piece that maybe others can relate to in some way, so I hope it comes off that way!

Yeah the consumerism of Xmas puts me off, and I think I’d be that way regardless of JW or not haha. Put Valentines in the same bracket.

I can imagine that is so hard. I can’t imagine it. I’m always here for you Kristi ❤️

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It really sucks that your childhood got ruin by them.

Because December is probably my favorite month of the year. All the lights you put up indoors and outdoors. Celebrate with family, eating good dinner, opening presents, watching very old Disney stuff.

But because of my adhd and asd, going to the store during this time is awful... to much people and stress.

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deletedDec 16, 2023Liked by Jordan Moloney
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My intention was for a dash of humour so I’m glad you did find that funny 😂

Yes. I actually love being with my mates / family cos I don’t have to worry about what I say or dread certain stuff coming up. It’s freeing!

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