Jordan, I feel like we’re synced!

I have felt pretty much the same for the last month and it’s been hard to shake.

As well as looking inward, I think it’s also worth looking at the environmental factors. It’s the end of the year, it’s dark, we’re encouraged to look back at the year and count what we’ve achieved. There is a low level current of exhaustion and expectation that fuels winter anxiety.

It helps me to be aware that I am part of a small interconnected system - I have an effect on my husband, my friends and to a larger extent the people who read my work. It doesn’t have to be value on a grand scale.

I’ve loved working with you and reading your work this year!

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Yeah, it’s been a constant over the last 4 weeks! We’re in sync. S.A.D plays its part for sure - low sunlight levels and general gloominess (especially the UK) will do the trick.

I think if we can positively impact people we care about and close to us, that’s gotta be enough right? :)

My emails are up the wall so I haven’t ignored you, I’d love to do a collab btw. Can you email me again and we can sort something out?

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You know, I’ve been feeling this way too! I don’t know if it’s the same with you, but I feel that I have moments of “high speed” and then on the other air of them, I start slowing down, looking around, and overanalyzing. Something I’ve really tried to learn in this time away that I have is that I don’t need to have all the answers or be the greatest person in the room. But it’s definitely hard 😅 Thanks for -- as you always do -- helping me feel a little less alone in some of the uncomfortable feelings!

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I enjoy your writings. Thanks.

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deletedDec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jordan Moloney
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What a lovely comment Hayden. I really appreciate the last part. Thank you!

Re Magpie Syndrome - I’ve taken up so many diff hobbies over the years. I even tried bonsai tree growing and lock picking (not to commit a crime dw) 😂 it’s quite funny in some ways. I’m trying to focus jsut on this blog and the programming stuff now. Baby steps n all that!

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