I live in the now. I enjoy the walks I take, The swims in the ocean, I’m getting skin cancer removed tomorrow. I trust their removal will give me a few more years of life. I know at 93 I;m on the short end of my life. All things come to an end. If I worry about it, I will not be able to enjoy the life I have now so appreciate the beauty you have around you appreciate good friends. Treasure your relationships while you can because everything comes to an end.
Nice to see you back Jordan. I feel like you've been gone for a couple weeks.
I can totally relate to "endings" but in a different way. After my son died I developed an irrational fear of anyone else dying, especially my mother. I'd text her random, pointless messages throughout the day just to get an answer, making sure she wasn't laying dead in her house. The year after he died one of my best friends also died...and the year after that another friend. Now I'm at the point where I can't attach to anyone. I realize it's happening but I have no idea how to change it. It's a weird place to be stuck.
Thanks Kristi! Good to be back. Loved your post about the movie of our lives :)
That’s so difficult to deal with. I’m always around here for a chat if ever needed.
Without offering official advice (you know that by me by now) it’s great you recognise it as a first step. I went years without even realising why I had trouble with attachment, albeit I’d either be ice cold or TOO attached. Maybe it’s something that doesn’t change right now because it’s a very appropriate response. I’d say time may help me / you / anyone else, but I haven’t yet dealt with the type of life events you’ve faced in terms of close ones, so I’m not saying my experience is the same as yours.
If it’s of any worth. I smile when I see your emails in my inbox. 😊
I live in the now. I enjoy the walks I take, The swims in the ocean, I’m getting skin cancer removed tomorrow. I trust their removal will give me a few more years of life. I know at 93 I;m on the short end of my life. All things come to an end. If I worry about it, I will not be able to enjoy the life I have now so appreciate the beauty you have around you appreciate good friends. Treasure your relationships while you can because everything comes to an end.
What an amazing comment to receive. I’m certainly trying to do more of what you said! Good luck on your operation today Bill.
This is a beautiful perspective Bill. I admire you for the way you think 😊
Nice to see you back Jordan. I feel like you've been gone for a couple weeks.
I can totally relate to "endings" but in a different way. After my son died I developed an irrational fear of anyone else dying, especially my mother. I'd text her random, pointless messages throughout the day just to get an answer, making sure she wasn't laying dead in her house. The year after he died one of my best friends also died...and the year after that another friend. Now I'm at the point where I can't attach to anyone. I realize it's happening but I have no idea how to change it. It's a weird place to be stuck.
Thanks Kristi! Good to be back. Loved your post about the movie of our lives :)
That’s so difficult to deal with. I’m always around here for a chat if ever needed.
Without offering official advice (you know that by me by now) it’s great you recognise it as a first step. I went years without even realising why I had trouble with attachment, albeit I’d either be ice cold or TOO attached. Maybe it’s something that doesn’t change right now because it’s a very appropriate response. I’d say time may help me / you / anyone else, but I haven’t yet dealt with the type of life events you’ve faced in terms of close ones, so I’m not saying my experience is the same as yours.
If it’s of any worth. I smile when I see your emails in my inbox. 😊
What a great article, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the second part! When are you planning to publish it?
Hopefully in the next 10 days!
Also thank you!!!